Thursday, September 12, 2013

Look What I Drew: 9/12/2013

A character design for a story I'm writing. It's a fantasy story...truth be told, I've been writing it for years. I actually had it finished a few years back but it didn't really make much sense and was too cartoonish (Dragon Ball Z was a huge influence at the time). Now that I'm older, I really want to give this story another chance, and so far it's been coming out pretty well. 

Anyway, this character is a Cleric. He's, uh...unconventional, to say the least: he's lecherous and is fond of drink, but he's got talent with a sword and is very highly respected in the Chantry (A religious organization that is very integral to the story). I really like the way he came out! He's got a young model look to him, the arrogance of a man who knows his skills and really, really good hair. I think he's going to become one of my favorites.

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