Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Manga Studio & Techniques

I love Manga Studio. I was primarily a Photoshop artist ever since I started drawing digitally, but the program pales in comparison to MS's abilities. I used it for my comic but I love it so much, I'm using it for everything I do. The inking is second to none, and the coloring ability, while good in MS 4EX, is much better in MS 5. In short, it's crazy good and the best program you can use as a comic artist. Now, coloring has never been my strong suit. I've always spent more time on drawing, and only so much on inking, so it's no surprise that my skills in the area are weak. I've been trying various techniques as of late and I think I may have found my sweet spot:
I'm very proud of the way this page came out. Ever since I was told that I should color in my comic if I want it to be successful I've done everything I could to make it look good...and it's been difficult. It's an amazing feeling to finally hit it on the head and it makes me want to keep working on, like...everything. Old pieces, new work coming up, pushing my comic pages out faster until I finish the next chapter - I'm in a good place to keep working and I hope it can keep going. By the way, if you want to check out my comic you can see the 4 chapters here: . I'd love the support!

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