Sunday, December 21, 2014

Look What I Drew! 12/22/2014

Couple of sketches done over at Google+.

Oi, this year has been unbearable. I'm glad it's almost over because I need 2015 to begin on a good mark. I am grateful that I'm working, have a roof over my head, and food on the table, but I really want next year to be the beginning of my professional art career. I know I won't be a millionaire from it but I'd at least like to make some profit.

It has to be a year of putting myself out there. A lot.

It also means I have to stop being so damn lazy. I spend way too much time thinking about how I should be working and not actually doing. So, that's the end of the laziness: I need to work on my comic while I still have outlets available (especially since Inkblazers is done for), and imma promote like a sumbitch. It may get irritating but, hey: I want to be successful, and that may take some pains before the fruit ripens.

Keep your fingers crossed for me, guys.

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