Finally got around to drawing on my tablet. I've done inking plenty of times, but I was too inexperienced and impatient to keep going with it so I let my tablet collect dust and stuck with drawing/inking traditionally.
Well, after some time, and buying a laptop and becoming fully dependent on staying in bed because of the laziness factor (you know it's awesome), I've decided to be productive and get the ol' Wacom out again. After inking a few pics, which I think have come out rather nicely, I'm moving up to actually drawing digitally.
It was...slightly difficult. I'm not used to such disassociation from my hand to paper, and I'm so used to looking down at my work that it's like learning how to draw all over again. I've been using my tablet to navigate around my computer though, anything to get used to my pen. I think it's been working~
The sketch (done in Photoshop CS4). |
The lineart. |