Monday, December 29, 2014

Look What I Drew! 12/29/2014

That new Spider-Woman costume is awesome.

The first pose came out stiff but what do you expect when you draw something quickly during a work break. 

Gotta keep working on figure drawing, though.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Look What I Drew! 12/25/2014

A Thor commission, all done.

I had a lot of fun making this! I'm glad to finally get a commission, too, since the fishes aren't exactly biting at the moment.
I want coffee now.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Look What I Drew! 12/22/2014

Couple of sketches done over at Google+.

Oi, this year has been unbearable. I'm glad it's almost over because I need 2015 to begin on a good mark. I am grateful that I'm working, have a roof over my head, and food on the table, but I really want next year to be the beginning of my professional art career. I know I won't be a millionaire from it but I'd at least like to make some profit.

It has to be a year of putting myself out there. A lot.

It also means I have to stop being so damn lazy. I spend way too much time thinking about how I should be working and not actually doing. So, that's the end of the laziness: I need to work on my comic while I still have outlets available (especially since Inkblazers is done for), and imma promote like a sumbitch. It may get irritating but, hey: I want to be successful, and that may take some pains before the fruit ripens.

Keep your fingers crossed for me, guys.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Look What I Drew! 12/19/2014

So I've been reading Boku no Hero Academia and it's very good. With the gap that Naruto left behind after the series ended, it looks like BnHA could be the one to fill it. I highly recommend checking it out!

I've been doing requests for fun. I tried $5 commissions but nobody bit... Apparently 5 bucks is too much for people nowadays.

Either that, or I'm just a shit artist.